Scroll through the form, fill out requested fields and
Results will be automatically posted to the website. Check results online for accuracy of submission. If results are not showing for a particular name, check for correct spelling.
Use email on HOME page to send corrections, add a new realm or event, or update missing information.
Enter Results
Report forms are Passcode protected to prevent submission of duplicate or inaccurate information.
Passcodes are available to all hosts and reporters in the SLTA group upon request ​
using the email form on the HOME page to reach:
A valid email is required to receive Passcodes and updates.
Do not share Passcode with others.
Passcodes are subject to
change if abuse is reported.
If Passcode is no longer valid or forgotten, request a new copy by email.
Pass Code
Common Reasons for Results not showing Online
SPELLING: If results are not showing for a particular name, check for accurate spelling of the avatar SL Account name or any added spaces or hyphenation.
SUBMISSION LIMIT: The submission limit may be set too low to allow for a large increase in new participants or tournaments being submitted.
TO CORRECT: Notifiy by email.