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Online Standings

As a community service to STLA tournament Hosts, the SLTA has authorized reporters for submitting and monitoring Melee, Archery and Joust Tournaments standings who are trained in maintaining the highest degree of accuracy and avoiding duplicate entries.

To request their assistance.

use the email form on the SLTA HOME page or email:



In addition any host or participant who abides by the guidelines can be authorized as a reporter for submitting their tournament results to the website standings irrespective of their group membership or affiliation.


Passcode and coordination with other reporters is required to avoid duplicate entries.

Pass Code

Passcodes are available to all authorized reporters. To obtain, request by email from:



A valid email is required to receive Passcodes and updates as Passcodes are subject to change if abuse is reported. If Passcode is no longer valid or forgotten, email a request a new copy to be sent to your email.


Do not share Passcode with another.  Any falsification in submitted results will terminate Passcode access.

Reporting Guidelines


From reporting guidelines established 2014 - Jousting League of SL



This website serves as an information hub for events, accumulating performance points and providing general information on training, schedules and event groups and hosts the HERALD blog reporting on community news and results of major events.  Results are used to determine honorees in the annual SLTA Anniversary Awards. 


It is open to all who participate or are interested in the events.


Contact us if you wish to participate: 




Ours is a service to the community, and any group, event or participant, may have their results reported on the website providing: 

1) The event is open to the public. 

2) The event is regularly scheduled, week to week or month to month. 

3) The event is announced to the general public via groups whose membership is open to the public. 

4) The event is officiated. 

5) All data fields in the reporting form are filled in. 

6) All data fields in the reporting form follow instructions for formatting. 

7) Results are from an event hosted, participated in, or witnessed. 

8) Results are posted by an authorized event host or reporter. 

9) Results are not used without attribution. 

10) The information is available and accessible to the public 




Any participating host of an event has the right to have the results of their tournament posted, but to avoid duplication of information, or incorrect data entry, access is limited to a reporting form using a passcode. 


If you wish your event added, contact us for an authorized reporter ~ or ~ if you wish to report the event yourself, or authorise another to do so for you, contact us for a passcode. Tournament reporters bear sole responsibility for the accuracy, access and availability of the public information being submitted. Any duplicate, inaccurate or private information is subject to removal without notification. 




A simple and easy to calculate point system is added to results reported on the website. Fourth, Third, Second or First placement, begin at 1pt and add one additional point per higher placement. No other modifiers such as number of entrants or events are factored in. Groups are free to use this point system for tabulating their own standings. 




Standings (Point tabulations) reflect only the events reported. 



Copyright © 2015. v2

Most Common Reasons for Results not showing Online

SPELLING:  Enter the avatars SL Account name exactly as hyphenated with no extra spaces. If results are not showing for a particular name, first check for accurate spelling of the avatar SL Account name and email any corrections. 

MISSING NAME:  Reports use the SL Account name to link to their standings.  If the spelling of the name is correct but a new participant's standings are not showing in online standings, the name may be missing from the Master list, an individual has requested a DNR (Do not report), or links are not including the full range of new names added to standings. Use the email below, listing the missing avatar's SL account name, to send a job ticket to troubleshoot the issue.

CORRECTIONS: For corrections to a submission (date, spelling, results, etc.) use email below.

ADD YOUR REALM: To add your realm to the submission form's list of Venues and Realms, use email below.


Use email form on HOME page or EMAIL directly to: 

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